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Vinita Thakur

Clinical Biochemist

I really do believe that things happen for a reason. The day I got recruited for a position in St. John’s is very significant because it’s also the anniversary of my mom’s passing. She was the greatest admirer of me and I’m confident she blessed me that day to find the path of my career in a new place.

My skills and contributions at NLHS have been recognized in ways that mean so much to me. I’ve been encouraged to keep growing and seize opportunities that I’m passionate about for improving patient care. And I never have to do that alone. I work with such a great team of people who care about the same things and share the same goals as me. Any of my accomplishments are shared with them.

Living and working in Newfoundland and Labrador is a wonderful gift. I’m blown away with its immense beauty and how friendly people can be. Sometimes I wonder why these things are true! This place and what I can accomplish here are truly unique.

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